Friday, 17 December 2021

Video Plan

My plan for a video is intended to link to the story in my physical magazine called an Experts View on the Tech Shortage this video would consist of an interview of a person who has some knowledge of the tech shortage in somewhat official clothing e.g., a suit, this interview would be segmented into 4 main sections and would have visual overlays of tech and relevant graphs. Their is more chance to keep the audience engaged with this content with higher levels of integrated content due to the youths shorter attention span. I intend the video to be around 2-2.5 mins long.

Section One of the video is intended as an introductive segment to the Silicon shortage and Tech industry.

Section Two will focus on the impacts of the shortage and the main issues behind this including the mention of the computer and car industry.

Section Three will focus on the causes of this shortage and the other possible issues such as higher demands.

Section Four will focus on the possible actions and mitigation methods to fix the shortage.

Section 1-

The Global Silicon Shortage is a preeminent issue in High Income Countries and Newley Emerging Economies as most modern products require silicon, this has caused the demand to outstrip the available supply causing weaker dependent production such as PC components and some car manufacturers have suffered.

Section 2-

The issues in supply have thrown the industries to compete for the limited available supply and have caused the product prices to be driven up due to this. The Car Industry has been effected as modern cars are produced with onboard computers to keep diagnostics and allow for easier use. This is similar to the issues in computer component supply particularly relating to the Entertainment computer industry as GPU and CPU supply has been affected, this has caused the prices to increased factors of up to 100% for these goods from third party sellers, this has also affected the media entertainment industry as most modern movie productions require levels of AI and CGI production that can be limited by the level of technology available to these companies.

Section 3-

The Silicon shortage has a number of causes with the easiest example being the theory that due to the Covid 19 pandemic and lockdowns the production of silicon has been interrupted and as a result the global supply distribution has contributed to the lack of supply. Another factor can be the increase in demand as more due to the lockdowns and in some countries even furlough pay allowing individuals increased levels of disposable income and trapping them in their houses, this caused greater levels of interest in and purchases of High End Computer Components effectively increasing the demand of products that are produced with silicon and by extension increasing the demand for silicon.

Section 4-

Their is different views to solving this shortage as the construction of Silicon production facilities would help to alleviate this and their has already been huge investment in these facilities though they may take a couple of years to come online to full efficiency. Their is also suggestions that the products such as cars be downgraded in the tech available to meet the demand or suggestions that entail the production of lower quality components in mass to reach supply. Their is also the opinion that the issue will resolve itself as demand drops after the lockdowns and furlough as production again reaches peak efficiency.

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