Thursday, 20 May 2021

Magazine Analysis Breif 3


The colour scheme is focused on female audiences and has a focus on gossip and casual conversations.
The titles 'Get Naturally Pretty', '659 New Ways To Look Cute Now!' and 'Must have fashion under $20' shows the casual gossip of the magazine and the age of the reader being around 17, shown with the focus on catchy titles that allow the reader to engage and hook. Their is also sell lines and calls to action in these titles.
The titles 'I Was Secretly Videotaped Topless!' and 'Ultimate Spring Break Guide!' shows the social concerns of the youth as well as being calls to action to read the article.
The white model in a blue dress shows the Target Audience as it shows the ideal look with a flawless face and lipstick as well as showcasing monetary value with the clearly prominent Jewellery and wrist watches/ wristbands.
The article titled 'Who's talking behind you're back?' again represents the target audience but also hints at a sense of insecurity and attempts to catch the reader with the call to action to read the article and aid
also shows the gossipy nature of the magazine with a Mates Around the Table like view and a sense of unity.
The magazine also has a cleaner white background showing the sense that beauty matters above all else as the model is the centrepiece and their is no backdrop. The brightly coloured text of the articles stand out and are clearly visible with a colour scheme of Blue as shown with the articles and the models top, Pink with the masthead title and the key points of articles and Yellow with the key parts of the article.
The website address at the bottom of the magazine is a call to action for the website of the magazine as well as the '44% of you think about trying this' also promoting the website as a way to register viewer interaction.
Barthes- Means and representations is shown with the showing of the model representing the female majority target audience with the convention of their preference of looks.
Butlers theory of gender performativity is also shown with the model and the placed value on looks and the social concern of a lack of privacy.
The 'Free Lipstick' Call to action adds a motive for purchase other than the magazine gossip and the social lifestyle tips of the magazine. 
The Language of 'I Was Secretly Videotaped Topless!' shows the provocative nature of the magazine and the content that is offered.
The Italics font shown in the Title and on the emphasis of the story reports and their most prevalent points.

Friday, 7 May 2021

Brief 3 Brainstorming

 Sell lines Know more, No surprise. - Know Nature Know Yourself - Knowledge Keeps - Know Yourself No Depression - 

Name Brainstorming - Natural Emotion's - 

Sections of the Webpage could be on - A discussion page on beautiful locations to visit - A page on the Know of Transport - A page on the Know of Natures impacts on mental health - Discussions on activities

Focus on the Mental Process of the idea and how the nature can improve it.

 Have a digital looking vibe on the magazine 

Magazine Article ideas
Depression & Cycling / other outdoor activities helping.
Acceptance and clear thinking.
Health Benefits
Digital life over physical?
Know Yourself?
Social Expectations and other formatted aids. 

Initial Response Post

 Brief 3:

For brief 3 my initial ideas for the magazine would be to have a magazine that is focusing on the content of people and vehicles this would include two to 3 pages of detailed stories and personal sourced images that can focus on the creation of connection to a vehicle and how the vehicle doesn't have to be a good or bad one. Their will also be a second edition with a differing focus on how environmentally friendly vehicles don't have to be new and how the owners of these vehicles are justifying their choices as well as personal stories. Names for the magazine could be 'Vehicles, Vanity, Variation' or 'Not Just Metal'.

A image that shows the front of eco magazine (Note that in images i would use the owner would be included)

These magazines will be aimed at men and their will be a deep focus on investigative journalism and focusing on true facts and stories as well as incorporating content pages on with both a image of a picture relevant to the story that can act as a guide and some stories with only the associated numbers that can hint at the story with a reference or hooking story name like 'How she managed to pay less and get more'. 

Other Ideas, these would include a magazine that focuses on the natural beauty of differing places and the more out of town countryside life allowing for the use of images that showcase normal people in a beautiful backdrop. This could include stories that aim to market a more active lifestyle. The names of this magazine would be similar to 'Hidden Habitats' or 'Habitats, Health, Happiness', this would fit the theme and possible stories. Their also could be a story on the discovery of hidden nature like voles in a water town or deer in a farmers field.

The magazine will be focused at both men and women and the people that are shown will be doing something in the image posed in that position like paused drinking with a bike on the side of a river or other activities.

                                                         A Peacock at Normanby Hall

Brief 4:

The ideas that I initially have for this is the song Country Roads in a performance focusing on a persons memories of a place. The themes of this would be how they have left their home and how they long to go back by they cannot go home. Initially the lines 'Dark and dusty painted on the sky, misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye' could have the background of the person who is having the memories thinking back to a scene of them sheltering with a possible close friend and recounting the memory with a teardrop in their eye. Their also could be a association with the inability to return and the possible loss. The possibility's are quite large however I don't intend to attempt this brief in my coursework.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Media Initial Ideas


AS Media Planning and research – initial ideas for the NEA

Brief  3 Magazine


You work for an independent media production company. You have been given the task of producing one front cover and the contents page(s) of the first two editions of a new real-life story magazine that is being launched by Bauer and two pages for the working website for the magazine. Contents pages can be either single or double page spread. The web pages must promote the new magazine to its target audience and enable fans to interact with the content.

Must break down the age groups further into groups of 16-18, 18-21, 21-25. Genre Gaps: Video Games, News, Geography issues, Geographical areas, Holiday destinations, Youth’s sense of identity and mental health.

Summary of brief requirements:  • Real-life story magazine covers and contents pages: Two or three pages for each of the first two editions (based on choice of single- or double-page spread).

 • Magazine distribution method: Content must be suitable for retail distribution.

• Number of web pages: One homepage and one linked page.



No mentions of inappropriate images or content. The content of pages could be covered over multiple pages however it is better if it can be all on one page.

• Cross media production target audience: A primarily 16–25-year-old mass market audience that expects to be emotionally engaged




Interested in more Celebrity gossip, Music, Modern Media news, Video Games, Sports news, and casual reading- less likely to be drawn in by Older music reviews and hard News. This is relevant as it allows the youth to be engaged in the magazine.

There must be a clear sense of branding across the two elements of the cross-media production.





Names of the Media products adhering to the conventions of more modern media less likely to have older conventions present. This would be like having the stories in big stand out writing on the front page with ‘clickbait’ like titles and a loose pallet of colours.



Ø  Production detail that must be included The production of the magazine covers and contents pages must include (as a minimum): • At least four different main images using original photography across the magazine covers and contents pages.

Ø  A different use of mise-en-scène for each cover.



As a minimum each magazine page must not have the same images twice and will have small amounts of text that is shown for the story’s as well as clearly showing the images are taken by the designer and showing the genre with links to text/ story that accompanies the image, for example for the Video Games magazine a Story on RPG games would feture an image of an RPG as well as relevant information.

• Editing of magazine covers and contents pages (including photos, text, graphics, typography and layout).

• Written text including elements such as the masthead, main coverline, selling lines, headlines, captions, subtitles and copy.

• Barcode, date, edition and price information on each front cover.

• A call to action pointing readers to the online website.


The text of the main title/ name of the magazine would be consistent across the magazine as well as allowing for changes in the size of the title. The stories on the front page may use some seraph fonts but the predominant fonts should be sans fonts. This will keep the magazine easy to read as wells as having stand out titles on the pages.


• Representation of at least two different social groups (e.g. as defined by age, gender, race and ethnicity, sexuality).






The images should showcase a multinational and mulit-ethnic display of characters or if this is not possible a mention in the scripts of the magazine of different genders, religions, or ethnic groups. However, this can cause some issues if the diversity dose not fit for example an article on a black celebrity should not have a person of white ethnicity in the article unless relevant via connections. ALSO THE ARTICLES THAT FEATURE A ETHNIC MINORITY MUST NOT PRESENT THEM IN A PURELY NEGATIVE LIGHT, unless it is a challenge to conventions but then the issue would be void as it presents the positively. For example, for a Music magazine their should be a coverage of songs that originate from different cultures or an article that explains the emergence of certain types of music due to cultures, do not credit cultures for music without evidence of the credit though.

The production of the web pages must include (as a minimum): • Original audio or audio-visual content appropriate to the online website.

 • A minimum of two original images (with at least one different original image on each of the two pages). These images must be different from those produced for the magazine.



This could be an image of a fellow student posing in a particular place such as on a bridge for a Natural Beauty magazine, these images must be taken properly and seem to some levels of professionalism. For example, photoshopping a landscape in is a no go but editing lighting effects to create a different feel for the image is a good strategy. The images for the webpage must link to the magazines theme but cannot be direct copies for example for a music magazine there could be images of the creation of the songs on the website or of the creation of the magazine to add in a story to the webpage.

• Appropriate conventions of website design, including an original title and logo and a menu bar. • Text introducing the main features of the magazine.

 • A range of appropriate media language techniques (typography, images, fonts, backgrounds, logos etc.) as appropriate to the purpose of the website

 • Working links from the home page to the other page.



Names for the magazines and websites like Remix for a rap culture like magazine or The KNOW for a pop culture magazine. These names need to somehow link to the genre of content the magazine will show and may include references to their specific cultures.



Brief 4: Music video and online



You work for an independent media production company. You have been given the task of producing a three-minute music video for a love song by a fictional band/artist signed to Universal Music Group, and two pages for the working website for the band/artist. You may use an existing song for your music video (this does not need to be copyright free). The music video must feature a narrative appropriate to a music video (e.g. a performance montage, a narrative illustrating or commenting on the song, or a mix of performance montage and other narrative elements).

Adele – Lovesong, romanticised, man woman stereotype, maybe homosexual relationship to emphasis artists attempts to be woke.


Summary of brief requirements:  • Music video: One, three-minute music video.

• Distribution channel: Content must be age appropriate for young adults from the age of 16.

• Number of web pages: One homepage and one linked page.




Song is 5 min long.


• Cross-media production target audience: A primarily 16–25 year old mass market audience that expects to be emotionally engaged. There must be a clear sense of branding across the two elements of the cross-media production.




Modern song from respected artist of that age group, this will be able to entice more views as they may be the most popular demographic on online media where this video would be.

Production detail that must be included The production of the music video must include (as a minimum): • Range of camera shots, including shot distances, angles and movement as appropriate to a music video.

• Editing of footage appropriate to a music video.

• Graphics/titles to include the name of the track and the name of the band/artist.


Long shots of open fields, pathetic fallacy, man woman contrast around love,

Ø  At least two different uses of mise-en-scène.

Ø  • At least two characters representing at least two different social groups (e.g. as defined by age, gender, race and ethnicity, sexuality).




One male, one female.

Female singing the song in the music video.

The images should showcase a multinational and ethnic display of characters.

Or perhaps from different classes within society.

The production of the web pages must include (as a minimum): • Original audio or audio-visual content which may include material from the music video but must include at least one element produced specifically for the website.

• Appropriate conventions of website design, including an original title and logo for the band/artist’s webpage and a menu bar.

 • Working links from the home page to the other page.

 • A range of appropriate media language techniques (typography, images, fonts, backgrounds, logos etc.) as appropriate to the purpose of the website.



Would be centred around the producer, would consist of her songs and her life information (bio)

• A minimum of two original images (with at least one different original image on each of the two pages). These images must be different from those produced for the music video.





The images would be shot separately from the music video, in different settings with different Mise en scene.

Would consist of the artist and the lover within the music video.


Text introducing the band/artist.




Adele – Love song

Would be in bold font and would be in the foreground of a romantic shot introducing the two characters to the music video


Prototypes and Intentions

Know Online Hyperlink